Tuesday, 2 November 2010

The Plan


Personal Justification: I would like to gain a greater knowledge and understanding of the subject of fairy tales, by researching the impact they have on children through into adulthood. Where did the stories come from? Who told them? Who were they told to? How did they affect people? Also looking at the impact it had on art and graphics, the illustrations made from the stories and the iconic images that we associate with fairy tales today.

·      Origins and Artwork
·      Variations within different countries and cultures
·      Symbolism
·      Colour theory
·      Morals
·      Historical References
·      Tradition
·      Female and Male Roles
·      Good vs Evil
·      Vanity
·      Authors, Publishers and Illustrators
·      Common Factors between Stories
·      Positive/Negative Elements


·      2 x A3 Boards / Short Story Book
·      2000 Words on subject matter

Resources Needed:

·      Books, Journals, E-Journals, News Reports/Newspaper, Websites, Films
·      Sketchbook work

Time management

Name:                                                      UOS HND Y2 PROJECT ACTION PLAN
Intended Action (adjust and comment on actual performance
Continue on another page if necessary.







1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
6 weeks
7 weeks
8 Weeks
1.     Identify areas of interest and initial research for these, create mind map of thought process and ideas.

2.     Look at the most potent and interesting areas of research, creating direction for imagery.

3.     Collate research and narrow subject area; create mock up ideas for illustrations/final images.

4.     Have all research finished first draft of final illustrations.

5.     Introduce typographic elements

6.     Finalise and refine illustrations look at printing options, process and pricing. Print first draft.

7.     Print and Mount final images

8.     Deadline – Finish all

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